BPAA Newsletter - Autumn 2019

The first six months of my year as President have been an interesting and sometimes challenging time. Will we leave without a deal on the 31st of October or will the new Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, succeed where Theresa May failed and deliver Brexit? The uncertainty is impacting on all our markets.

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Excellent turnout for annual BPAA cricket and netball tournaments

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4th July 2024

Excellent turnout for annual BPAA cricket and netball tournaments

Last week saw the return of the annual Bristol Property Agents Association (BPAA) Netball and Cricket tournaments at a sunny but blustery Coombe Dingle Sports Complex

Successful gin tasting evening aboard 6 O'clock Gin's boat

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30th April 2024

Successful gin tasting evening aboard 6 O'clock Gin's boat

Thank you to everyone who attended the Bristol Property Agents Association (BPAA)'s newest event - gin tasting aboard 6 O'clock Gin's boat.

Total amount raised for charity since 2014:


This year, we are proud supporters of the following charity