BPAA Cricket Match 2023

Sponsored by Kubiak Creative

Friday 17th August saw the Bristol Property Agents Association's (BPAA) inaugural cricket and netball matches take place.

  • Combe Dingle Sports Complex, BS9 2BJ
  • Chris Howell

The Bristol Office Agents Society - South West and Wales Branch (& friends) XI wrestled the coveted Kubiak Cup from Industrial Agents Society - Western Branch (& friends) XI in a hard fought 3 wicket win at Coombe Dingle.

Put in to bat the IAS posted a respectable 129/9 in their allotted 20 overs. The OAS team delivered a measured response reaching the target with just 4 balls to spare and the loss of 7 wickets.

It was a most enjoyable afternoon for everyone and a big ‘thank you’ to all those who took part - especially Kubiak Creative Ltd for sponsoring. We are looking forward to growing on these matches next year or possibly even sooner…

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Total amount raised for charity since 2014:


This year, we are proud supporters of the following charity